Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni Celestial Healing is a complementary healing modality, much needed for the times we live in. This healing heart energy is a truly relaxing and healing experience "Healing from the Heart for the Heart".

Rahanni is fifth dimensional energy that helps to raise our vibration and bring peace, love and balance into our lives - mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Raising our consciousness to new heights.

Rahanni has been around for thousands of years but only recently channelled into our awareness by Carol Anne Stacey, bringing us this new healing modality for the Age of Aquarius, a healing for the masculine and feminine within us all.


How Does Rahanni Work?

Rahanni connects to the pink ray of light vibrating at the heart frequency. Connections with Archangels, Masters and other beings of light, enhance the Rahanni energy still further.

For adults, children, animals and plants alike - all different frequencies that can be balanced using the Rahanni energy.